Did you know that you can use the social advantage craigslist to make money? What more suitable way to start to promote a business than with new internet friends. The best part is that many of these internet friends live in the same area as you and they have the potential to become your business associates and customers as well as your cyber friends. This is how socializing and making money on craigslist go hand in hand.
How do you combine socializing and business? You can do this on craigslist. People will be more likely to buy from someone they know. If you get into the social aspect of craigslist you will become known in the cyber community and this can translate itself into more sales. Let's observe how.
For example, let's say that you have a jewelry store. You need more customers. You post an ad on craigslist and in this ad is a discount on purchases over $100.00. Now you start to socialize on the craigslist.org boards. You talk with this one and that. As you connect with more and more people online, let them know about your craigslist ad. Let everyone know that if they go to the ad and get the coupon, they will receive the discount. The more people that visit your ad the more business you will receive. In addition, ask them to vote for you in the best of craigslist. All it tales is a click of the mouse as they are visiting your ad. By promoting your ad and your business to the general cragislist community you will be building a customer base. The best thing of all is that with a very few exceptions, craigslist is free to post to.
So how does one join craigslist? Simple. If you have a valid email account, just click on the join option. Fill out the information and then you will have to enter in the scrambles letters at the bottom of the page so that the system knows you are a human and not some form of robot.
Other than the jewelry store example listed above; what other types of businesses benefit from socializing and making money on craigslistbusiness can benefit from socializing. The key here is to join groups that are related to you business. If you are a gardener, then join gardening groups. If you are a homeschooling parent with a home based business, then join a homeschool group. It all depends on what is the focus of your business and what you want to accomplish through socializing.
Socializing and making money on cragislist shouldn't exclusive to each other. You should try to join as many groups as you can, especially online groups. Online groups can be visited when the mood strikes you and there is a lot less involved. Groups that get together to meet are also a good idea, but there are only so many you can join if you wish to actually operate a business. There are many business groups to join. Many are woman based, and most of these welcome single moms.
Unlike when you sell an item, you do not need to be a member of craigslist in order to participate in group meetings. This is ok if you are not posting ads. To post an ad, you must register.
After scanning the groups available in your area what do you do if you cannot find a group that suits you? Then start one on your own. Think about the type of group you would like to form, maybe build a website, find a place to meet and post an ad for the group. Many people might be attracted, you will not know until you put the ad out there. Sometimes, all you need to do is ask. Do not let the lack of a group discourage you. Forming a group, especially in a smaller city is not as hard as you would think. There are people out there with interests similar to yours. As a business owner, this can be a great way to start meeting and greeting new customers. This is how socializing and making money on craigslist. go hand in hand.
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